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As part of the First-Year Experience (FYE), Florida Atlantic is committed to your successful transition to college through our FAU iSucceed (SLS 1410) and First-Year Interest Group (FIG) (SLS 1411) courses. 

Although they both start with "SLS", they each offer a different experience! To learn more, read through the  brief descriptions below or click on the navigation tabs to the left. 

SLS 1410: FAU iSucceed

  • All first-year students who are starting in one of FAU’s Summer Pathway programs will take FAU iSucced (SLS 1410).
  • FAU iSucceed is a fully online zero-credit course that taps into the mindset, motivation, and strengths that will help you thrive at FAU. This self-paced course introduces you to FAU offices and services, helps you find the strategies that lead to success in your courses, and introduces you to skills that will ease your transition to college.
  • Please note, previous exposure to a non-FAU SLS course will not wave this requirement.
  • Students who took the course this summer describe their experience as boosting their confidence, increasing their comfort in navigating FAU virtually and in-person, and introducing them to new study strategies that they could put to use immediately.
  • Most students described being able to complete the work in 30-60 minutes per week.

SLS 1411: First-Year Interest Group (fig)

  • First-Year Interest Groups (FIGS) are designed for students who are interested in becoming university and college ready.
  • FIGS are a Mixed Online and Classroom, 1-credit course that are led by faculty and staff from almost every college and have a common online curriculum that students complete at their own pace. 
  • Designed to give students an opportunity to build relationships witin their college as soon as classes begin. 


Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information:  FAU iSucceed FAQs 

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